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$10 Million in Research Grants Awarded

$10 Million in Research Grants Awarded
July 15, 2024
The Neilsen Foundation has supported research focused on spinal cord injury since its inception. We have funded a wide range of research over the years, including studies to establish a new understanding of the injuries as well as those that are advancing treatments that will improve lives.
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$10 Million in Research Grants Awarded
$10 Million in Research Grants Awarded
July 15, 2024
Cultivating a Diversity of Voices
Cultivating a Diversity of Voices
June 17, 2024
$3.5 Million in New Psychosocial Research Grants Awarded
$3.5 Million in New Psychosocial Research Grants Awarded
May 15, 2024
How Pain Impacts SCI
How Pain Impacts SCI
April 15, 2024
Kessler Foundation scientists receive CHNF grants totaling $850,000 for novel research on SCI challenges
Kessler Foundation scientists receive CHNF grants totaling $850,000 for novel research on SCI challenges
April 4, 2024
Thriving on Campus and Beyond
Thriving on Campus and Beyond
March 15, 2024
The Vision to Pay It Forward
The Vision to Pay It Forward
March 15, 2024
Information With a Wider Reach
Information With a Wider Reach
February 15, 2024
Pushing Physical and Perceived Limitations
Pushing Physical and Perceived Limitations
February 15, 2024
Finding Meaningful Connections
Finding Meaningful Connections
January 16, 2024
An Evolving Relationship: Grantees as Partners
An Evolving Relationship: Grantees as Partners
January 16, 2024
Our Words Really Do Matter
Our Words Really Do Matter
December 15, 2023

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